Help Us Build The
Midlands FCA Multi-Sport Arena
We are building the Midlands FCA Multi-Sport Arena and need you to order your “season tickets.”
We’re not constructing an actual building, but we are using the imagery of an arena to represent a space we want to fill with those who know, love, and follow Jesus and are desiring to see others know, love, and follow Him, too.
Our ambitious financial goal is to increase annual revenue by $120k… or the equivalent of $10,000 each month. Would you step up as a “Season Ticket” holder? This is a tangible way of practicing what Jesus referred to in Matthew 6:19-21 as stor[ing] up for yourselves treasures in heaven.
(Click here for more information or continue to scroll down)
- Funded 4.16%
We invite you to join the Midlands FCA Home Team!
Come alongside and partner with us to collectively redirect the hearts and minds of coaches and athletes back to God. Your “Return On Investment” of any amount will be to facilitate the everlasting, eternal transformation of lives… of schools… of entire communities!
Partnering with FCA provides opportunities for the Christian community to be involved in a local mission that’s making a difference… reaching coaches and athletes in ways not normally possible in today’s culture… yet God continues to hold the doors open for FCA staff to be welcomed where most no longer have access. Our mission field includes…
86 middle schools • 86 high schools
12 colleges and universities • 175,000+ coaches and athletes
…and thanks to the generosity of people like you, we’re making a difference right in your own backyard. Midlands FCA currently has 24 dedicated teammates who serve throughout our 15 counties…
Aiken • Bamberg • Barnwell • Calhoun • Clarendon Edgefield • Fairfield • Kershaw • Lee • Lexington Newberry • Orangeburg • Richland • Saluda • Sumter
…however, our staff needs to grow! We literally do not have enough hours in the day, due to being short-staffed, to walk through all of the open doors where we are being invited. In addition to hiring additional staff, your generous support allows us to continue engaging, equipping, and and empowering these coaches and athletes through mentorship, discipleship, and inspiring them to be Champions for Christ, shining His light in our schools, leagues, clubs, and communities. We’re on a mission to reach every coach and every athlete, and we’d be honored if you’d join us by investing in this kingdom work.
“Don’t store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21
We need your prayer and financial support!
We need your prayer support and we need your financial support. The impact of both on the work of Midlands FCA is palpable, transforming lives right here, right now. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
Please do not hesitate to reach out. I would love to sit down with you and share more about the amazing things God is doing in and through Midlands FCA!
You can also mail a check to:
Midlands FCA
Post Office Box 12657
Columbia, SC 29211