Midlands Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Click an area on the map to learn more
Lexington County FCA
Frank Hester
Area Director
Frank Hester serves as Area Director of Lexington County and has been on staff for 20+ years. Frank is responsible for recruiting, training, developing, and serving staff and volunteers to increase the capacity of the ministry. He also functions as the financial manager and cultivates donor relationships to ensure the resources are available to fulfill the mission and vision. The relational work of FCA has many facets, such as Bible studies, Team Character Coaches, Huddles, one-on-one meetings, camps, retreats & clinics. Frank can be reached at fhester@fca.org or 706.339.0568.
Northern Midlands FCA
Northern Midlands
Northern Midlands FCA is seeking its next Area Director but is currently being served by the rest of the Northern Midlands team... Carroll Baker, Tim Geurkink, Andy Heen, Mike Millington, and Mark Terry. Pray with us that God will raise up the right person at the right time to lead this ministry. Questions? Contact Ervin Mack at EMack@fca.org or 803.917.9755.
Richland County FCA
Carl West, Richland County
Area Director
Carl West serves as the Richland County FCA Area Director. He has been on staff with FCA since 2015 and moved to Columbia in 2022 from Gwinnett County (Atlanta area) in Georgia. "I’ve seen God transform the lives of coaches and athletes with the powerful combination of sports and the Christian faith. Through our coaches' Bible studies, student Huddles, leadership teams, and sports camps, coaches and athletes are growing in their faith and becoming authentic Christ-followers. I’m so thankful God is giving us the opportunity to partner in this work." Carl can be reached at cwest@fca.org or 678.386.6016.
Eastern Midlands FCA
Neil DuBose
Area Ambassador
Neil DuBose serves as an Area Ambassador for Sumter County and Clarendon County within Eastern Midlands FCA. Neil has been in this role since 2020, though he served as a volunteer with FCA for many years prior. "I have seen God transform the lives of coaches and athletes with the powerful combination of sports and the Christian faith. Through our Huddles, Bible studies, camps, and other activities, coaches and athletes become growing, authentic Christ-followers. I’m so thankful God brought us together to partner in this work." Neil can be reached at NDuBose@fca.org or 803.316.6952.
Tri-County FCA
Earl Humes
Area Director
Earl Humes serves as Area Director of Tri-County FCA (Bamberg, Calhoun, and Orangeburg Counties) and has been on staff for 20+ years. Earl seeks to engage coaches and athletes with the gospel through a variety of ministry opportunities, such as "One Way 2 Play: Drug-Free" school assemblies, Fields of Faith events, PRO-Pastors Reaching Out, Bible studies, team chapels, Huddle meetings, and more. "I’ve been blessed to see God transform the lives of coaches and athletes into authentic Christ-followers." Earl can be reached at ehumes@fca.org or at 803.707.1197.
Western Midlands FCA
David Hamilton
Area Director
David Hamilton serves as Area Director of the Western Midlands, which includes Aiken, Barnwell, Edgefield, and Saluda Counties. "I have devoted the rest of my life and career to seeing coaches and athletes impacted by Jesus Christ. I want to engage, equip and empower them to use their influence on and off the field to have an impact through Jesus in their schools, families, communities, and churches. I am excited about this calling on my life and I can’t wait to watch this faith-walk play out in the arena of FCA and all that God is doing worldwide in this amazing ministry." David can be reached at dhamilton@fca.org or 803.341.0411.
Midlands Collegiate Ministry
T Rousey
Collegiate Ministry Area Director
T. Rousey serves as Area Director of the Midlands Collegiate Ministry, which currently includes five campuses in Richland County... Allen University, Benedict College, Columbia College, Columbia International University, and the Columbia campus of the University of South Carolina. T has a passion to see every coach and athlete in the Columbia area step into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church. He loves seeing coaches and students grow and realize that following Jesus is about freedom in Christ, not religion and law. T can be reached at trousey@fca.org.
Multi Area Director
Ervin Mack
Multi-Area Director
Ervin Mack serves as the Midlands FCA Multi-Area Director. Ervin was born and raised in Winnsboro, SC, and has always enjoyed playing sports. One of his favorite athletic memories is being part of back-to-back state championship football teams at Fairfield Central High School. He chased his football dream at Appalachian State University and Norfolk State University, but an injury brought his playing days to an end. Ervin graduated from Coker College with a B.S. in Exercise Science and from Capella University with a Masters in Educational Administration. He served for ten years as a teacher and high school coach in public schools and another four years as a high school administrator. His last position prior to joining Team FCA was as an Assistant Principal at A.C. Flora High School in Columbia. "I'm beyond humbled and blessed to serve as the Midlands FCA Multi-Area Director. Our goal is to make an eternal difference in the lives of coaches and athletes. I'm also passionate about leading my family to be the hands and feet of Jesus. When Ashley and I came to Christ, we made it our mission to meet others with the Gospel and show them that Jesus is truly our light and hope." Ervin lives in Columbia with his wife, Ashley, and their four children. Ervin can be reached at EMack@fca.org or 803.917.9755.
Kershaw County FCA
Jeremy Ray
Area Representative
Jeremy Ray serves as an Area Representative for Kershaw County within Eastern Midlands FCA. Jeremy joined the Midlands FCA team in the Spring of 2023. "I have always felt called to be a coach. Now I have the opportunity to coach for God's team. Our coaches have such an important role in the lives of young athletes. My desire is to see Jesus transform the lives of young people as well as their coaches. Christ-following coaches can change lives, and in turn, transform a community." Jeremy lives in Lugoff with his wife, Heather, and their two children. He can be reached at JRay@fca.org or 803.669.9924.
Lee County FCA
Carroll Baker
Area Representative
Carroll Baker serves as an Area Representative for Lee County within Eastern Midlands FCA. He has been on staff with Midlands FCA since 2002 and previously served in collegiate ministry for several years with Cru. Though he is a part of the Northern Midlands team, Lee County is close to Carroll's heart since that is where he was born and raised. "What a privilege to be able to challenge coaches and athletes. We engage them with God’s truth, equip them to walk closer with Him, and empower them to impact more coaches and athletes." Carroll lives in Irmo with his wife, Pam. He can be reached at CBaker@fca.org or 803.206.2542.
Click an area on the map to learn more

Lexington County FCA

Frank Hester
Area Director
Area Director
Frank Hester serves as Area Director of Lexington County and has been on staff for 20+ years. Frank is responsible for recruiting, training, developing, and serving staff and volunteers to increase the capacity of the ministry. He also functions as the financial manager and cultivates donor relationships to ensure the resources are available to fulfill the mission and vision. The relational work of FCA has many facets, such as Bible studies, Team Character Coaches, Huddles, one-on-one meetings, camps, retreats & clinics. Frank can be reached at fhester@fca.org or 706.339.0568.
Northern Midlands FCA
Northern Midlands
Northern Midlands FCA is seeking its next Area Director but is currently being served by the rest of the Northern Midlands team... Carroll Baker, Tim Geurkink, Andy Heen, Mike Millington, and Mark Terry. Pray with us that God will raise up the right person at the right time to lead this ministry. Questions? Contact Ervin Mack at EMack@fca.org or 803.917.9755.
Richland County FCA

Carl West, Richland County
Area Director
Carl West serves as the Richland County FCA Area Director. He has been on staff with FCA since 2015 and moved to Columbia in 2022 from Gwinnett County (Atlanta area) in Georgia. "I’ve seen God transform the lives of coaches and athletes with the powerful combination of sports and the Christian faith. Through our coaches' Bible studies, student Huddles, leadership teams, and sports camps, coaches and athletes are growing in their faith and becoming authentic Christ-followers. I’m so thankful God is giving us the opportunity to partner in this work." Carl can be reached at cwest@fca.org or 678.386.6016.
Eastern Midlands FCA

Neil DuBose
Area Ambassador
Area Ambassador
Neil DuBose serves as an Area Ambassador for Sumter County and Clarendon County within Eastern Midlands FCA. Neil has been in this role since 2020, though he served as a volunteer with FCA for many years prior. "I have seen God transform the lives of coaches and athletes with the powerful combination of sports and the Christian faith. Through our Huddles, Bible studies, camps, and other activities, coaches and athletes become growing, authentic Christ-followers. I’m so thankful God brought us together to partner in this work." Neil can be reached at NDuBose@fca.org or 803.316.6952.
Tri-County FCA

Earl Humes
Area Director
Area Director
Earl Humes serves as Area Director of Tri-County FCA (Bamberg, Calhoun, and Orangeburg Counties) and has been on staff for 20+ years. Earl seeks to engage coaches and athletes with the gospel through a variety of ministry opportunities, such as "One Way 2 Play: Drug-Free" school assemblies, Fields of Faith events, PRO-Pastors Reaching Out, Bible studies, team chapels, Huddle meetings, and more. "I’ve been blessed to see God transform the lives of coaches and athletes into authentic Christ-followers." Earl can be reached at ehumes@fca.org or at 803.707.1197.
Western Midlands FCA

David Hamilton
Area Director
Area Director
David Hamilton serves as Area Director of the Western Midlands, which includes Aiken, Barnwell, Edgefield, and Saluda Counties. "I have devoted the rest of my life and career to seeing coaches and athletes impacted by Jesus Christ. I want to engage, equip and empower them to use their influence on and off the field to have an impact through Jesus in their schools, families, communities, and churches. I am excited about this calling on my life and I can’t wait to watch this faith-walk play out in the arena of FCA and all that God is doing worldwide in this amazing ministry." David can be reached at dhamilton@fca.org or 803.341.0411.
Midlands Collegiate Ministry

T Rousey
Collegiate Ministry Area Director
Collegiate Ministry Area Director
T. Rousey serves as Area Director of the Midlands Collegiate Ministry, which currently includes five campuses in Richland County... Allen University, Benedict College, Columbia College, Columbia International University, and the Columbia campus of the University of South Carolina. T has a passion to see every coach and athlete in the Columbia area step into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church. He loves seeing coaches and students grow and realize that following Jesus is about freedom in Christ, not religion and law. T can be reached at trousey@fca.org.
Multi Area Director

Ervin Mack
Multi-Area Director
Multi-Area Director
Ervin Mack serves as the Midlands FCA Multi-Area Director. Ervin was born and raised in Winnsboro, SC, and has always enjoyed playing sports. One of his favorite athletic memories is being part of back-to-back state championship football teams at Fairfield Central High School. He chased his football dream at Appalachian State University and Norfolk State University, but an injury brought his playing days to an end. Ervin graduated from Coker College with a B.S. in Exercise Science and from Capella University with a Masters in Educational Administration. He served for ten years as a teacher and high school coach in public schools and another four years as a high school administrator. His last position prior to joining Team FCA was as an Assistant Principal at A.C. Flora High School in Columbia. "I'm beyond humbled and blessed to serve as the Midlands FCA Multi-Area Director. Our goal is to make an eternal difference in the lives of coaches and athletes. I'm also passionate about leading my family to be the hands and feet of Jesus. When Ashley and I came to Christ, we made it our mission to meet others with the Gospel and show them that Jesus is truly our light and hope." Ervin lives in Columbia with his wife, Ashley, and their four children. Ervin can be reached at EMack@fca.org or 803.917.9755.
Kershaw County FCA

Jeremy Ray
Area Representative
Area Representative
Jeremy Ray serves as an Area Representative for Kershaw County within Eastern Midlands FCA. Jeremy joined the Midlands FCA team in the Spring of 2023. "I have always felt called to be a coach. Now I have the opportunity to coach for God's team. Our coaches have such an important role in the lives of young athletes. My desire is to see Jesus transform the lives of young people as well as their coaches. Christ-following coaches can change lives, and in turn, transform a community." Jeremy lives in Lugoff with his wife, Heather, and their two children. He can be reached at JRay@fca.org or 803.669.9924.
Lee County FCA

Carroll Baker
Area Representative
Area Representative
Carroll Baker serves as an Area Representative for Lee County within Eastern Midlands FCA. He has been on staff with Midlands FCA since 2002 and previously served in collegiate ministry for several years with Cru. Though he is a part of the Northern Midlands team, Lee County is close to Carroll's heart since that is where he was born and raised. "What a privilege to be able to challenge coaches and athletes. We engage them with God’s truth, equip them to walk closer with Him, and empower them to impact more coaches and athletes." Carroll lives in Irmo with his wife, Pam. He can be reached at CBaker@fca.org or 803.206.2542.
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Midlands FCA Collegiate Ministry